Thursday, January 13, 2005

An Englishman's home is his castle, right?

Not quite. Well, best ask the Home Secretary Mr. Charles Clarke who has decided that householders should not be given more powers to defend themselves against intruders in their own homes.

Is that right, Mr Clarke?

I was watching Newsnight on BBC 2 earlier tonight and one of the correspondents said something that really got my blood up: [I must paraphrase, but the wording is right] “Charles Clarke wishes to appear less popularist [sic] and more liberalist.”

Now, this brings us into an area I have had good cause to put thought to in recent times, something that I feel very strongly about. For example, let’s assume that there are but two ways of thinking: old-fashioned and progressive.

It appears to me that if the above assessment of Mr Clarkes’ thinking is to be believed, then the likes of Mr Clarke are those that choose the progressive route to success. Well, I say success, but any success is entirely subjective and utterly relative.

The progressive thinker, presented with the above dilemma will nearly always choose the option less likely to offend their sensibilities. This to me is utterly abhorrent. The very idea that someone would make a decision in such a way is beyond belief.

Surely, a decision should be arrived at based on the merits of the option in fair and contrasting comparison with all other options? Whether the solution is progressive or old-fashioned is an irrelevance, surely?

I posed this question to my dad, he replied simply: ”There’s only a right way and a wrong way.“

While that might sound prosaic, it’s actually quite simple: as a person, you know what is right and what is wrong. If you don’t, you need help. If you’re a politician and you still don’t know, you should be removed from your seat of responsibility forthwith.

Further to this, my dad began with a very functional scenario that I myself had seen: he’s fast approaching his mid sixties, so he’s no longer the lithe young thing he used to be. I’m out on the razzle, he’s at home on his own. He hears a noise and goes down stairs to investigate.

He comes face to face with some smackhead twat brandishing a knife. Now, we have yet another dilemma: this young but ultimately shit-faced goit could easily over-power my dad, but my dad would struggle to wrestle this sack of shit to the ground. So my dad simply must use more than ‘reasonable force’ to knock the smoke out of the intruder to subdue him. But now, he’s outside of the law!

Who care’s whether you’re seen as being popularist or liberalist! The point is, are you doing the right thing?

Fuck dogma! Fuck the politik! Go with the logic and the rule of common sense. Or is that me being old-fashioned?


Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

Again, I thank you for posting.

I don't want to kill the intruder, I just want eject him unceremoniously and in a way that makes it very clear if he comes back, he's going to get the same.

I have said for a long time that the moment someone breaks into your house, they forfeit a portion of their rights.

A lot of people thought this idea of mine was madness. But recently, the law lords were looking at such an idea. So I wasn't that far from the mark.

The biggest problem here is the attitude of the intruder. They're breaking into people's houses and when confronted with the home owner, they're actually gloating to them about the fact that if the home owner lifts a hand, they'll take them to court and screw them for all they're worth.

You'd think politics is boring, but it's there with you when you buy an over-priced audio disc, when you buy your genetically-modified fresh fruit, when you put fuel into your hugely polluting sports utility vehicle.

Politics is an inescapable as it is inevitable -- much like death. Was it not Mark Twain who said that there are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. I think it was.

These criminals are filth and nothing more. Like I said, I wouldn't want to kill such a person. After all, what lesson do they learn when they're dead?

I much prefer the idea of them shitting their own teeth...

9:46 am  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

I think I'm getting the visitors, but I think most people daren't get involved with such inflammatory issues.

There's a lot of questions in your reply, much too broad to cover in detail, but I think your last question is more like a conclusive summary of your other questions.

Much of what I see people of position and responsibility doing is for the betterment of their own lives by pursuing their own agenda, or by pursuing a shared agenda that is not in the best interests of everyone else but just a select few.

I despise this attitude, and if I could, I would rid the world of these people. They're a cancer that eats away at all of the good -- or rather, what good we have left -- and hard work others better than they have done before them. They undermine our world for their own avaricious ends.

I have old-fashioned values that have stood the test of time. I cannot tolerate those that choose to break the basic rules of right & wrong for simple profit and wealth.

If in some small way I can work to unseat these parasites, then I've not failed, have I?

At some point in my life, I might want to bring children into the world. What world might they be living in, I wonder...

1:15 pm  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

Man that sounds heavy!

Or, an alternate theory is that I just love to gripe, moan and grizzle over anything and everything like an old curmudgeon.

That sounds much more likely...

4:27 pm  

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