Monday, January 10, 2005

Justice done?

There he lay, in flames in a heap on the floor at the foot of the building out of which he leaped to his death. Only, he didn't die straight away. He lay there, still burning, most probably wracked with excruciating pain, both from the injuries brought on by being on fire and the many injuries as a result of falling from the seventh floor of a hotel, and the knowledge that death was yet to come.

"Lieutenant Corporal David Atkinson, 31, is thought to have murdered Miss Geeson, 22, after she vanished on New Year's Day." said the BBC News article.

It seems his involvement is still not confirmed. However, his actions appear to speak of his guilt, and the knowledge that he would not evade justice.

There's more to this sorry saga than I feel I need to go into here, what concerns me is that if Lieutenant Corporal David Atkinson, 31 was responsible for the death of this young woman, then justice has been done. But that's my opinion and it certainly doesn't reflect that of Miss Geeson's parents, to whom I extend my deepest sympathy.

In the last hours of this young womans' life, she would have known terrible fear and pain. Poetically, the last few days of David Atkinsons' life would have been lived out in utter terror, culminating in him dowsing himself in petrol, setting light to himself and then flinging himself from a high building, and then to lay dying in agony.

If I were the unfortunate parents of this young woman, I would call that closure enough...

Link: 'Justice done?'


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