Life, desire, truth and some other stuff...
Having spent a few hours [on and off, and in between doing stuff that pays the bills] I’ve found a few ‘blogs that seem to think they are the definitive insight into spiritualism, faith, religion and all other fatuous ills that plaque the human mind.
Here’s my perspective on matters that matter in the really real world:
If you’re looking for answers, you’re in for a long wait.
If you feel that life is preordained, then you’re a fool.
If you want the true meaning of life, you’re missing the point.
If you feel that there must be more to life than this, you’re doing something wrong.
If you’re of the belief that all of your worthy efforts will be rewarded in the afterlife, you’re missing all the fun.
If you want truth, go find a theologian.
If you believe life is what you make of it, you’re spot on.
You get just the one life, so make the most of it. At some later date, I’m sure some event will trigger my fury and wrath and I will descend yet again on religion with a vengeance.
But for now, stick to the things that matter. If you’re struggling in life, surround yourself with your friends and your family and those that can help you through the hard times.
If you’re alone, make a list of all of the things you need to do. Do them, stick to it, work through the shit and make it work and you will find your own reward for your own efforts.
You’ll soon find that you don’t really need anyone else to hold your hand.
I see life as a race. The starting pistol is the last push of your mother and your first step is your birth cry.
It’s a marathon and in truth, it’s a race no one can win. But the goal isn’t in the getting there, it’s the journey that’s the real prize...
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