Friday, September 16, 2005

Things that really .. really piss me off: part XV

I've just had my memory jogged by a fellow 'blogger...

I remember getting stuck in traffic first thing some years ago when I worked in a near-by city.

Some guy had thrown himself off a bridge into on-coming traffic.

His demise was as predictable as the outcome -- chaos.

It's just me, me, me, isn't it?

He had problems, we know that. But to share them with everyone else is just selfish.

He had options.

He could have stayed at home, slashed his wrists, toaster is the the bath, head in the oven, too many pills, the usual .. oh no!

Swan dive off a bridge into heavy traffic at rush hour.

That's just selfish...


Blogger Katie said...

Hi honey! This sort of thing happened not too long ago where I live in Welwyn Garden City. There's a shopping centre here called the Howard Centre, and as I was going into a cab to work where the basement of the Howard Centre was llots of policemen and the taxi driver and I found out a man had topped himself of the railway bridge by the shopping centre. Lots of things happen iaround here but never people attempting suicide.

10:38 pm  
Blogger Shirley said...

That was incredibly selfish - throw yourself off the bridge in traffic and have a completely innocent party end up in therapy forever dealing with this. At work we occasionally have to deal with cars that still contain "remain" embedded in the upholstery after someone shoots himself in the head. Nice of people when it's not even their own car.

I know some people are beyond the point of making rational decisions, but some of them still want the attention after they're gone, so that it will end up on the news and people talk about it long after they're dead.

Or at least that's what it sounds like to someone who's the consummate spinster type ;)

2:47 am  
Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

And you know, if you accidentally hit them, then you'd have hundreds if not thousands of dollars in car repairs. Some people are completely thoughtless!

3:11 am  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

That's the spirit, ladies!

Sweep 'em into the side of the road and let us, the reliable tax payers get on without un-subsidised lives...

9:23 am  
Blogger Terri said...

Glad to see there are still compassionate, sensitive men out there.
Let me know if u run into any, ok?

1:11 pm  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

You're just jealous because you're not emotionally constipated like I am...

1:17 pm  
Blogger Katie said...

Emotionally constipated? Why, honey?

Tell your lovely blogpal Katie why and she'll listen to you! You can tell me in secret if you don't want to put it here, email me by the address on my profile!

12:55 am  
Blogger Shirley said...

Wayne, I mean this in all sincerity - you have my complete and utter sympathy if you've picked up a blog stalker, which is what it looks like. Hope I'm wrong.

3:41 am  
Blogger Katie said...

I'm not a blog stalker! How could I be if I write on different people's blogs, anyway I'm a nice woman who wouldn't hurt a fly!
I'm nice to you aren't I Wayne!

5:48 pm  
Blogger myke said...

i'm a blog hopper. hopping from blog to blog is the best way to find interesting new ones.

btw -- that post reminds me of how bad traffic some times gets backed up due to an accident along the highway .. annoying thing is -- it's often on the other side of the road and the slowdown is caused by gawkers.

2:16 am  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

Hi Myke, and thanks for posting!

I've seen plenty of 'rubber necking' get pretty close to causing an accident.

Over here in Britain [assuming you're not from Britain] the police sometimes erect screens around the accident. Especially on the motorway...

9:24 am  
Blogger Christopher D. Bate said...

It is selfish and a little sick to dive off a bridge and let other people deal with your outcome.

It happened in my area last year except the jumper decided to take both her kids with her.


Great blog by the way.

1:51 pm  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

Thanks for posting Christopher!

Only today did I read of some guy in China throwing himself from a power line because he'd found that he'd go AIDS.

Now, clearly the guy was ashamed of this, or was in some mental state of unease .. but why do these people feel compelled to share their misery with everyone else?

I don't need that.

I don't need to have to deal with someone else who can't handle life.

It's pretty lamentable that suicide is seen as the only viable exit strategy, but come on!

1:58 pm  

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