Thursday, April 28, 2005

A night to un-remember...

A busy week of meetings, appointments, pending work, haircuts a week late, politicians, a physiotherapist, a flat car battery, break failure on my bicycle, being happy most of the time but missing that certain someone more than ever.

So last night sort of brought everything to a head.

I wore a shirt and a tie and felt ultra uncomfortable. So much was my unease with my attire that I think the endless tugging at my shirt collar, the piss poor effort made putting the knot in my tie, the frenetic tucking in of my shirt at the back and the rolled up cuffs might have been a give away.

I couldn't have cared less about the politicians and the faux debate and the unionistic thou-art-my-brother attitude of the 'delegates'. I just wanted to get some work out of one of the firms attending.

The problem is, you can't be you, you have to be them.

I like to be me, but I wore a shirt to look the part.

I'm not a shirt & tie kind of guy.

To summarize:

A politician with a mouth like a dogs arse hole.

Being sat on my arse listening to politicians for so long that it feels like it's been bitten by a dog.

A dog of woman who's a politician who talks out of her arse.

Good food gone to waste.

Food for thought or just a waste of time?

Time that could have maybe been spent better elsewhere.

Elsewhere, a better time could have been had with my ex, maybe? She leaves for Greece in two weeks and I might not ever see here again.

That pisses me off.

Remind me, just why did I go to that event last night?


Blogger zuzula said...

Was it Churchill who, when a woman accused him of being drunk, said 'in the morning I'll be sober, but you'll still be ugly'? That's how you should view your work do - now you're back to being your usual lovely T-shirted self, while all the suits are stuck being that dull & straightlaced forever.

At least it's a long weekend :)

9:58 am  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

"... now you're back to being your usual lovely T-shirted self..."

Well, I'm not really a T-shirt guy, either.

I'm more of a sleeved top, dark colours, jeans and trainers .. strictly no Burberry or Ben Sherman.

I feel a: "Things that really .. really piss me off" coming on...

11:01 am  
Blogger zuzula said...

I'm glad to hear it - there's never any need for burberry.

get writing!

12:19 pm  
Blogger Pamela said...

Ah dear - why did you go, you ask...
Or quite possibly because we all need access to things in our life that make us want to rant. ;o)
Maybe it's simple enough that it gave you one more day to all the more appreciate not wearing a shirt and tie every single day.

3:55 pm  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

Hi Raida!

How's thing with the belly bump?

I'd hoped that I'd seen the last of shirts & ties when I left secondary school.

I despise formal dress...

4:00 pm  
Blogger wise donkey said...

u will have to go again in future to something like this?

" you can't be you, you have to be them." :( sad but when has life been fair:(

2:29 pm  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

I get to choose.

It's not like I'm being forced to go.

The thing is, I always seem to get the thing wrong.

This event was attended by several people dressed casually.

Which ordinarily would have been me!

More events to come, I'm sure...

2:48 pm  
Blogger zuzula said...

The trick (although this is probably easier for girls than boys) is to dress in a way that you can either glam up or glam down... one of my male mates always wears a T shirt under a shirt, jacket and jeans when he's not sure about the dress code. That way he can be trendy (as is), casual (take off jacket and shirt) or smart (take off T shirt and remain sitting down so as to hide jeans). Oh - you do need a bag for discarded clothing though ;)

2:34 pm  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

Good question.

But who cares?!

The level of national apathy & indifference is just staggering.

The broader British public have a well developed sense of what is and what isn't.

By and large, politics and most definitely what isn't.

I'm toying with the idea of voting for the Liberal Democrats.

I'm pretty sure they can't be much worse than the other two...

9:43 am  

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