Thursday, May 12, 2005

Things that really .. really piss me off: part X

To mark the tenth in this series of well-honed rants, I thought a special tirade was in order.

The pill-popping generation

What the hell is it with people, eh?

They have a head ache, so a blind panic ensues while they rummage around in bags and bedside draws looking for a packet of pain killers.

They have a stomach upset, so they pounce on the telephone and badger their doctors' receptionist into giving them an early appointment.

They get a cold or influenza and suddenly, they are the last of our species. One to be feted and waited upon in their stricken state. Meanwhile, a multitude of salves, tablets and sweet-smelling solutions are imbibed above & beyond the recommended daily allowance, usually complicating what is essentially a mild illness with severe diarrhea.

Of course, by this time they're convinced they're dyeing from some tropical disease like West Nile virus or Haemorrhagic fever. Death is surely only hours away?

If only, then the surplus population of these whinging wankers of the great hypochondrium might be trimmed to a more manageable number .. like none.

People don't want to sleep. Riddled with the fear of a child at christmas, scared to miss good ol' Santy Claus, they want see everything and not miss a single hour.

So they take a tablet to induce some kind of waking delirium. But one tablet doesn't bring about the desired effect fast enough. So they take one more .. then another, and another.

Soon, they are swept up into a leg-twitching state of hyperactivity that usually leaves them buzzing around like a blue-arsed fly in a blaze of unintelligible incoherence.

People want to get a high. Wanting to be the centre of attention and be the epicenter of mirth and congeniality. So they take a pill .. given to them by a friend of a friend who knows someone who's just come back from holiday in one of those strange countries you've never heard of that borders nations like Libya or Kazakhstan.

Now, rather than be the source of merriment, they're transformed into a blathering, sweating, beady-eyed blur of activity. Talking so fast and with such clear and unequivocal meaninglessness that you think that you're in their head and that they imagined you.

Fear not. This burst of energy won't last. Come two in the morning and they're reduced to a bleary-eye, arched-backed sack of molasses, sodden in their own drug-induced pool of cold sweat .. a bit like Peter Doherty.

People want a pill for every ill.

People are getting fatter. Why? Because they eat too much.

No great mystery there, then.

The very thought of having their stomach stapled makes them wince. The very idea of eating less is to them not even a consideration.

So what is a lard arse supposed to do about it? Well, there's only one logical solution; they want a pill.

Never thinking that actually getting off their more than ample arses and getting out & about might not only improve their health, but actually get some much-needed fresh air into their largely prosaic lives.

A bitter pill to swallow indeed...


Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

You just couldn't make this up, could you?

A pill to make you not stoopid...

8:10 pm  
Blogger Onkroes said...

On the one hand you've got a good and very valid point.

On the other hand, what do you want to do? Go back to a generation where if someone was sick they were just left to die? Yeah, I know, I'm taking your argument to the logical extreme, but really the happy medium doesn't exist.

People are stupid, including me, not all the time, but enough. And nobody wants to die, feel ill, be sore, be late, be tired, be hungry, be fat, etc, etc.

Medical advances will keep coming (pills for everything), and humanitarianism will always mean that nobody will be left to rot (unless they're poor of course (!)).

Put stupidity and selfishness together with technology (medical advanced) and humanitarianism, and you have the pill-popping, junk-food, junk-brain age we live in.

The only option is to move somewhere un-technological where you live and die by your body's ability to self-repair.

10:40 am  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

If you're genuinely ill, take something.

But the problem is, the vast majority of people seem to want a pill for even the slightest momentary pain or sniffle...

10:49 am  
Blogger Onkroes said...

"vast majority of people seem to want a pill for even the slightest momentary pain or sniffle"

True, and the $64K question is "why do they want that?"
- conditioning? they're led to believe that there can exist a pill to cure anything?
- fear? of dying? of getting old? of being ill?

Doesn't it come down to selfishness and fear?

I don't disagree with your analysis, but I don't think there's an answer. It's a fundamental behaviour of the human race (in the west at least) today.

1:55 pm  
Blogger Pamela said...

Very well ranted my friend.

I couldn't agree more. Society is inundated with people making a quick buck off of chemical remedies and they fall for it hook line and sinker.

Yes, if you truly need modern medicine then by all means use the technology available. But people have forgotten to use the strength within themselves to heal and would rather reach for a chemical aid straight away.

The sad thing is that most people don't even clue in that taking medication for one ailment usually leads to needing another one to treat another ailment caused by the first. (example: arthritis med leads to stomach trouble which leads to stomach med which causes restlessness which leads to relaxant...).
It's a neverending cycle and once it starts it's rare that you can ever go back.

4:44 pm  
Blogger DJ said...

Owing to some pretty shitty genetic lineage I have to take 3 tablets every morning, every day for the rest of my life, lest I die. And I'm not 40 yet
Previous generations would have been blissfully unaware of numerous things that nowadays take one blood test and a 24 hour wait to diagnose and treat.
I know you said that if you're ill then you have no problems with people being treated. Personally I'm pretty aware of what synthetic 'thing' i'm introducing when I swollow pills and probably as a result not always first out of the blocks to see the doc's when I have a sniff or an ache because invariably I'll be prescribed potion #4..5..6. At one stage I was on 5 different things a day thanks to antibiotics and anti-fungals being thrown into the mix. I'd hate to be on anti HIV treatmeants where the "cocktails" of drugs per day can exceed a dozen or more.

I guess I'm rambling a bit here and your point wasn't aimed at people with genuine needs, its a reflection of our instant gratifaction society that we expect a pill for the ailment of the week, be it obesity, ageing, memory loss etc. Pills: They're quick, convenient and relative unobtrusive so why not have a pill for everything? Sod surgery, indeed to heck with lifestyle change when you can just down a pill?

2:47 pm  
Blogger Wayne Smallman said...

You can almost hear the advertising slogan: "Are you fat, ugly and stupid? Then you need [Insert brand name here] for fast, painless relief from the bad hand life has dealt you..."

Or: "Want to loose weight but not actually make any real effort at all? Then you need..."

I met one of my cousins last night, he's pretty fuckin' enormous.

He came into the nightclub and he had a proper, full-on fat man sweat on.

He leant over and rubbed his knee and winced.

Me: "Bad knee?"

Cousin: "Yeah. It's murder."

Me: "You know why that is?"

Cousin: "Why?"

Me: "Because you're a fat bastard."

He laughed and made the excuse of having a sedentary lifestyle, being a forklift driver.

I reminded him that while he sat on his arse all day flicking switches and levers, I sat on my arse all day tapping away on a keyboard.

Difference is, after work, I either go out on my bike or I jog.

I pointed to a woman and said: "See that woman? She's a bit of all right. Loose some weight and you might get someone looking at you for all the right reasons. Plus..."

And I stabbed his belly with my index finger.

"... If you loose this, you might get to see your dick for the first time in 15 years."

I'm guessing some of you are going to think I'm a bit of a thoughtless, tactless bastard, but I left him with this one thought to consider.

Me: "You know why I'm giving you so much grief?"

Cousin: "Why?"

Me: "Because I don't want you dead before your 50."

Sometimes, being nice doesn't work. You have to deal them a hefty blow to make them realize how wrong something is to make them want to change things...

3:06 pm  

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